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bushcomm hf for hfradiosales

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Laybys by arrangement.

Eprom/EEprom/MCU Programming & Copying service We can program thousands of different types of Eproms/EEproms/MCUs/GAL/PAL/Flash Roms--27c64/27c256/.. Product #: c08

Eprom/EEprom/MCU Programming & Copying service

Contact us if you need a "Chip" programmed.

You need to supply your own chip and "Bin" profile..-It doesn't necessarily have to be radio related.
We have programming adapters for PLCC, DIL, DIL SMD, etc
We keep a lot of popular eproms here in stock.
Discounts available for job lots.
Note: We will only read/copy eproms on Obsolete gear over 20 yrs old, unless you can prove that you are the owner of the profile copyright.

Australian HF Radio Networks


logo vks-737 colour small.jpg - 39.97 KB     Austravel HF Network     hfradioclublogo.jpg - 6.22 KB    homelogo

download  VKS-737

Barrett & Qmac Users Group
