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Multi-tap HF 4WD Antenna-Bushcomm 16 Tap Bushcomm Adventurer 16 VKE237(HF Radio Club) / VKS737 / RFDS Mobile  Multitap HF antenna.. Product #: P08

Multi-tap HF 4WD Antenna-Bushcomm 16 Tap

Bushcomm Adventurer 16 Multitap HF antenna

Fitted with all VKS737 and most popular HF Radio Club / RFDS frequencies. - 16 taps in total
Large, easy to read label markings on each tap
In Stock - Can ship within 48 Hours
150 Watt PEP Rating.
Designed tough for outback use.
Uses a standard 1/2" Whit. screw thread.

Australian HF Radio Networks


logo vks-737 colour small.jpg - 39.97 KB     Austravel HF Network     hfradioclublogo.jpg - 6.22 KB    homelogo

download  VKS-737

Barrett & Qmac Users Group
